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IA Valuations Strategic Relationships and Partnerships

IA Valuations is the only business consulting and valuation firm that is solely dedicated to the traditional independent agency. We understand the complexities and the uniqueness of your small business and we’re here to meet those needs. We value the partnerships that support agencies and understand today’s competitive insurance marketplace.

We would like to thank the following organizations, who go above and beyond in their support of independent insurance agents.

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Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

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Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

Build your site with Genesis Blocks today.

Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

Build your site with Genesis Blocks today.

Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

Build your site with Genesis Blocks today.

Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

Build your site with Genesis Blocks today.

Genesis design collections have everything you need to design beautiful block-powered websites with just a few clicks.

Meet our amazing team.

We’re a talented group of creative individuals interested in art, cinematography, design, music, and all niches in between. Get to know us and what we can do for you!

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Kyle Zion


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Fran Acadia

People Engineer

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Giannis Teton

Office Manager

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Help! Our Community Just Suffered a CAT, How Will This Affect My Agency Value?

It’s still early in the year and your community was just ravished by another convective storm, tornado, wildfire, mass flooding, or another widespread CAT loss. This story is becoming all too familiar across the country as natural weather events are happening at a higher rate. Over the last five years, 2019-2023, the National Centers for…

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Three Ways Your Accounting Practices Affect the Value of Your Insurance Agency

In an all too common and unfortunate situation, agency principals are often suddenly forced to step away from their agency due to death or disability. In this unplanned and unexpected scenario, there is no “break-glass-in-case-of-emergency” option, and it can be incredibly disruptive for the ongoing agency operations. At this critical moment, the CSRs and producers…

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2024 State of Independent Insurance Agency Valuations – IA Valuations Webinar Recap

IA Valuations recently held a webinar discussing 2024 Independent Agency M&A Trends and Predictions. IA Valuations’ CEO, Jeff Smith, and Director of Business Planning and Valuations, Craig Niess, hosted three panelists: Mike Wagar from Westfield Bank, Dan Girardi from Keystone Agency Partners, and Rob Smith from Fideles Advisors. These panelists were selected due to their…

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