What information do you need in order to get a valuation?

We will need the following information about your agency: financial information, employee data, ownership structure, and book of business account information. Our team will work with you or your accountant to collect this information and use it to help you further understand your business. We streamline this process as much as possible. We’ll send you […]

How much does it cost?

The cost varies based on several factors including: what state you operate in, the size of your agency, if you’re doing a new valuation vs. a renewal, or just looking for consulting services. We will consult with you to determine your exact cost based on the factors that apply to your agency. For the value […]

How do I know it’s the right time for my agency to get a valuation?

The best time to start planning was yesterday. If you’re not planning now, you’re already behind. Don’t let that scare you – if you haven’t started yet, the best time to start is now! There will always be a reason to put it off: you have other important business and personal things to attend to. […]