2024 Agency Tax Check-Up

As Tax Day 2024 approaches, we encourage independent agency owners to meet with their tax expert to review their current tax structure and to better understand the tax implications of a potential sale now, or sometime in the future. Ask your tax expert to lay out various scenarios for you and to help you determine […]

Help! I’m 65 and Want to Sell My Insurance Agency

The highly anticipated day has finally come: you are getting ready to retire. After spending 30+ years working in your insurance agency, you have made the difficult decision that it is time to sell the agency and step down. Hopefully, you have been running your business over the years as if you were going to […]

Small Changes That Will Impact Value

As we begin the new year, most agencies are focusing on growth and retention, which are two of the biggest drivers of agency value. Additionally, as the value of an insurance agency is largely tied to intangible assets like customer lists and relationships, we encourage the agencies we value and visit to also consider implementing […]

Are M&A Transactions Really Slowing Down?

Despite what the industry trade publications are sharing, our data does not reflect a slowdown in agency M&A transactions in 2023. Through October 2023, our data shows another year of record level M&A transactions with the highest number of transactions typically taking place in Q4. Our data tracks both the publicly reported and silent transactions […]

Understanding Your Agency Value in the New Year

To hit the ground running in 2024, it is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of your agency’s value and the strategic elements that can increase your agency’s value over time. Gathering the information necessary to critically evaluate your agency’s value will take time and it is best to be prepared to gather the needed […]

Challenges and Opportunities Owners Face When Selling an Agency

Being a seller in today’s red-hot M&A market provides owners a tremendous chance to cash in on their greatest financial asset. However, as the old saying goes, knowledge is power. Understanding the challenges and opportunities that owners will face along the way is vital to creating a successful experience. Like agencies in the industry, every […]

Is There an Optimal Age to Sell Your Insurance Agency?

It is hard to say, however, based on our analysis, we believe the optimal age is 58. Whether you are planning to perpetuate internally or sell externally, it is inevitable that you are going to sell your ownership at some point. In this article we explore whether there is an optimal age to transition ownership […]

The Five Factors that Have the Greatest Impact on Value at Sale

After years of owning and operating an independent agency, navigating the waters of selling your agency in the open market is a tall task. It raises many difficult questions, including: When is the right time to sell? What factors are third-party buyers looking for when it comes to acquiring an agency? What should an owner […]