Help! Our Community Just Suffered a CAT, How Will This Affect My Agency Value?

It’s still early in the year and your community was just ravished by another convective storm, tornado, wildfire, mass flooding, or another widespread CAT loss. This story is becoming all too familiar across the country as natural weather events are happening at a higher rate. Over the last five years, 2019-2023, the National Centers for […]

Three Ways Your Accounting Practices Affect the Value of Your Insurance Agency

In an all too common and unfortunate situation, agency principals are often suddenly forced to step away from their agency due to death or disability. In this unplanned and unexpected scenario, there is no “break-glass-in-case-of-emergency” option, and it can be incredibly disruptive for the ongoing agency operations. At this critical moment, the CSRs and producers […]

Contingency Performance Trends

It is contingency season and like any bonus, it can either bring excitement or disappointment. Given the current hard market conditions, contingency season has brought more disappointment than excitement. In this article, we will break down contingency performance for small- to mid-size agencies as it relates to a percentage of annual revenue. Spoiler alert: with […]

The Five Factors that Have the Greatest Impact on Value at Sale

After years of owning and operating an independent agency, navigating the waters of selling your agency in the open market is a tall task. It raises many difficult questions, including: When is the right time to sell? What factors are third-party buyers looking for when it comes to acquiring an agency? What should an owner […]

The Effect of the Hard Market on Agency Values

For many insurance agencies, the hard market yields a double-edged sword as it relates to agency values. Some of the impacts of the hard market can have a positive impact on agency value, while others will work to depress values. Understanding these impacts will be key to helping you navigate these uncertain times. The Insurance […]

The Importance of a Strong Balance Sheet

The value of a balance sheet is a key component in the calculation of agency value. We encourage our IA Valuations clients to bolster their balance sheets, not only to increase their agency value, but also for a myriad of reasons that will have both short-term and long-term impacts on the agency. Agency Reinvestment Agencies […]