The Ins and Outs of EBITDA and How to Leverage It
“I bought this book of business for two times 25 years ago; I was just going to do the same when I’m ready to retire.” This is one of the most common quips IA Valuations hears from the generation of agency owners getting ready to retire, and we fear it could leave much on the […]
Available Internal Perpetuation Options: The Agency Perpetuation Process Part 2
When it comes to planning for your agency’s internal perpetuation, there are numerous factors to consider, each requiring careful consideration and strategic discussion. This article, the second in this series by IA Valuations, will provide deeper insight into these elements and hopefully shed light on some of the complexities in these situations. Having a deeper […]
Help! Our Community Just Suffered a CAT, How Will This Affect My Agency Value?
It’s still early in the year and your community was just ravished by another convective storm, tornado, wildfire, mass flooding, or another widespread CAT loss. This story is becoming all too familiar across the country as natural weather events are happening at a higher rate. Over the last five years, 2019-2023, the National Centers for […]
Three Ways Your Accounting Practices Affect the Value of Your Insurance Agency
In an all too common and unfortunate situation, agency principals are often suddenly forced to step away from their agency due to death or disability. In this unplanned and unexpected scenario, there is no “break-glass-in-case-of-emergency” option, and it can be incredibly disruptive for the ongoing agency operations. At this critical moment, the CSRs and producers […]
2024 State of Independent Insurance Agency Valuations – IA Valuations Webinar Recap
IA Valuations recently held a webinar discussing 2024 Independent Agency M&A Trends and Predictions. IA Valuations’ CEO, Jeff Smith, and Director of Business Planning and Valuations, Craig Niess, hosted three panelists: Mike Wagar from Westfield Bank, Dan Girardi from Keystone Agency Partners, and Rob Smith from Fideles Advisors. These panelists were selected due to their […]
The Resiliency of the Independent Insurance Agency System and How You Can Leverage It
Why has private equity fallen in love with the independent insurance agent? Many would be quick to tell you that the insurance broker and agent industry is steady. It weathers storms. Thus, private equity interest in this space has remained so high. While this sentiment is true, how do we know it’s true? How do […]
Big-Picture Questions for Navigating Perpetuation: The Agency Perpetuation Process Part 1
There are many things to consider when perpetuating your insurance agency. As there are many moving parts and the planning and execution can take several years, time is of the essence. This article will be the first in a series that discusses the various big picture questions to consider as you plan to perpetuate your […]
Help! I’m Not Getting Profit-Sharing This Year. What Effect Will It Have on My Agency Value?
Unfortunately, you may be one of the many agencies not receiving profit-sharing due to the inflated loss ratios caused by the hard market. While this will have an impact on your value, the good news is the hard market is likely temporary and should not have a profound impact on the value of your agency […]
Contingency Performance Trends
It is contingency season and like any bonus, it can either bring excitement or disappointment. Given the current hard market conditions, contingency season has brought more disappointment than excitement. In this article, we will break down contingency performance for small- to mid-size agencies as it relates to a percentage of annual revenue. Spoiler alert: with […]
2024 Agency Tax Check-Up
As Tax Day 2024 approaches, we encourage independent agency owners to meet with their tax expert to review their current tax structure and to better understand the tax implications of a potential sale now, or sometime in the future. Ask your tax expert to lay out various scenarios for you and to help you determine […]